Corporate social responsibility

The vast majority of CCT’s employees are from Colon. In an effort to give back to the province that been home to CCT and provided with such high quality employees, CCT supporting several initiatives that work to give back to Colon.

Collaborators of Colon Container Terminal Donations

On Thursday June, 12, 2020, Collaborators of Colon Container Terminal, S. A. along with the volunteer group Movimiento Fuerza C3, delivered food bags to families.

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Donation To The Policlinica Dr. Hugo Spadafora Franco

May 21, 2020. Colon Container Terminal, S. A., delivered infrared thermometers to the Head Nurse of the Policlinica Dr. Hugo Spadafora Franco, Mrs. Alejandra Pino.

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Covid-19 Solidarity Response Donation

On May 8 2020, COLON CONTAINER TERMINAL, S. A. (CCT) delivered food bags to vulnerable families of the communities of Pueblo Nuevo and Medalla Milagrosa at Cristobal Este, Province of Colon.

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Covid-19 Solidarity Response | Donation to the Albergue de Maria.

On April 30th, COLON CONTAINER TERMINAL, S.A, (CCT), donated to the Albergue de Maria in Colon City, boxes of formula milk powder for the babies of mothers infected with HIV.

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Donation To The Nursing Home Santa Luisa De Marillac

On October 10, 2019, Colon Container Termnal, S. A. (CCT) donated and installed twelve extinguishers to the nursing home, Hogar Santa Luisa de Marillac, at Puerto Pilon, Province of Colon.

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Donation To The Music Band Of The Saint Mary Academy

August 5th, 2019. Colon Container Terminal, S. A., made an economical contribution for the traveling expenses of members of the Music Band of the Saint Mary Academy of the Province of Colon, to participate at the Hispanic Heritage Parade of October 12th, at Brooklyn, New York.

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Delivery Ceremony Of Re-Infrastucture And Rehabilitation Works Of Schools Sponsored By CCT

On April 4 and 17 2019, Colon Container Terminal, S A., inaugurated the re-infrastructure and rehabilitation works of three schools in the Province of Colón, at the Marco Ramon Vasquez Bilingual Elementary School, at the Cristobal Colon Bilingual Middle School, and at Gatuncillo Bilingual High School.

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Signature of Agreement of Cooperation with the Foundation Gabriel Lewis Galindo

Colon Container Terminal, S.A., signed a cooperation agreement with the Foundation Gabriel Lewis Galindo to star the works of re-infrastructure and rehabilitation of some schools.

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Tenth Central American Games For Students With Disability

On November 2018, a delegation from Panama participated in the Tenth Central American Games for students with disability celebrated in El Salvador. For this event, CCT was honored to sponsor the student Samantha Almanza from the Province of Colon, won gold and silver medals in the swimming category of 100 meters freestyle and 50 meters backstroke.

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Internation Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

On the occasion of the celebration of the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Colon Container Terminal, participant in the informative campaign performed by the Instituto Nacional de la Mujer.

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